Friday, October 29, 2010

weekend blues~!


hari ni rse down sgt2..
feeling blue..urghhh..
sedih sedih..
sorg2,xtau nk bt ap..
really feel like going out, but got no one to accompany..

such an awkward feeling go out alone..
ya ALLAH...

tgk movie sorg2..
i really need a soulmate..
an other half..
to complete me..
console n pamper me..

they will appear once they need me..

i do have a family..
sisters n brothers, they r busy with their own life..
parents who are busy with their grandchildren..

so who is going to listen to me???
of course ALLAH always listen..
HE never fails..

but i still need a person...
a hubby perhaps..

i'm so damn exhausted..
tired with this..
need to rest..
a vacation..

i hate being alone..
left alone..

i really want to go out!!!

Monday, October 25, 2010

d departure of MAS airlines...


skrg musim jemaah haji berangkat ke tanah suci..
penerbangan awal salu pg ke Madinah Al Munawarrah..bandar bercahaya..
itu yg abah pnh bgtau sy..

since last year,(if i'm not mistaken)..
Sultan Mahmud international airport dh ready utk penerbangan haji terus ke tanah suci..
(Jeddah or Madinah)..
MAS Airlines semestinya..

jd since last week omma dh beriya2 ajak sy pg tgk aeroplane MAS yg besar itu (boeing bp sy xtau)..
mmg crowded sepanjang2 fences tu..
org ganu excited tgk aeroplane beso..

one of d reasons y i feel so blessed to be a Terengganuvian..
we, Terengganuvians esp from Kuala Terengganu, can witness the departure or arrival of aeroplane (usually domestic) right before our eyes...

we r so lucky then..
most of d the kids love to watch that too..
and i'm one of them..
(yeah, i'm still a kid which trapped in a 21 years old woman's body ;p )..
d feeling is so damn good..
i feel great..
(just tgk aeroplane fly,bkn sy pn yg fly..i'm exaggerating..hahah)

back to d story,
mom n i went there almost every evening (last week)..
mummy said tht, d giant Bird will be took off by 7..
but, i thinked we got d wrong info..
haha..we waited there from 6.45pm till 7.15pm..
it was still loading with passengers..

we were so unfortunate..
we could not watch it fly..
we did not get a chance to wave goodbye to all the 'jemaah haji'..
mom was quite sad..
me too..
we could not wait longer as it was 'Maghrib' time..

then i said to mummy,
lets try for d next evening..
we should get there after Maghrib prayer..
so that we could watch it fly away...

d next evening,
we went there quite late,
almost 8.15pm..
nobody waited at d fences anymore..
d huge Bird already departed..
i felt so sorry for mama..

everytime she saw that huge aeroplane,
she will tell me bout her memory of Hajj..
i know, deep down in her heart, she would like to be tetamu ALLAH S.W.T. again..
it is not that she doesnt has d money but it will be used to her children..
she said ''it is okey, i already perform Hajj once''.

we got d same feeling,
mama n i..
we would like to be there again..
being tetamu ALLAH S.W.T..
visit HIS house..
perform Umrah n Hajj..

YA ALLAH, moga doa kami d perkenankan..amin..

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Being 21 =) =((

salam =)

Alhamdulillah..setelah berzaman, bru detik ini aku kembali 'menulis'..hahaha kononnye..
well, byk nk cite byk nk share..

Peringatan, blog ni berkisar psl hdup aku, my thoughts, ap2 yg ak lihat melalui lensa aku sendri, ap yg aku rse, ak punya pandangan..
isi pentingnye blog ni berkisar ttg ap yang aku nk luahkan!!!
jd, klu sape2 bce ad rse nk komen, feel free to do that..

umo dh 21 lbh, bp bulan je lg dh nk menginjak ke 22..
aku rse tahun 2010 ni sgt byk la perkara2 yg trjd..
ada yg best ad yg sedih..
tp byk yg xbest la..

umo 21 ni jgk,
byk fasa yg aku lalui..
aku jd weird, aku jd xtntu arah, aku nanar, aku aneh..

umo 21 ni jgk,
aku melalui fasa yg agak lain..
Alhamdulillah..ALLAH S.W.T. bg petunjuk pd aku..
i'm changing for good to be a better person..
everything happen under HIS will..
tlg doakan aku untuk terus 'kuat' berhijrah mnjadi org yg baik..

dan umo 21 ni jgk,
aku melalui fasa yg aneh..
naluri keibuaan sgt membuak2..
aneh aneh aneh..
bknye ak xpnh jge bby sblum ni..
tp this time sgt berbeza rsenye..
ak jd terlebih sensitif..

aku x nafikan,
bg sape2 yg xkenal aku, msti ingat ak dh kawin n dah ade anak2..
pertama sbb muka ak xmcm umo 21..
kedua,org salu tgk ak dukung si kecik ke mana2..
tp org xpnh tgk ak jln dgn suami..
haha..sbbnye ak lum nikah n kawin lg..

ak pnh di kata 'coverline' sbb xngaku si kecik tu anak aku..
adoyai, deep down in my heart, aku teringin sgt si cerdik pandai tu jd anak aku..
tp hakikatnye tidak!!!
ouch it hurts okeyh!!!

being with him,
raise him,
take a good care of him, i wish i'm his mother..
but I'M NOT!!!

i really want to have a baby..
my own child..
tp jdoh ku belum sampai,ntah sesat kt mne xtau..
xjumpe map lg la tu..

i wish i could be a mum before i'm leaving this world..
i should say,being a mum is d greatest thing ever happened to a woman..
bg aku la..
org laen aku xtau la cmne..

mcm mne degil n nakal pn si kecik ni,
hati aku ttp akan sejuk ble tgk die senyum n tdo dgn lenanye..
lately, haziq mkin nakal..
mkin xdengar ckp..
aku mrh die,
then he cries..
pastu aku pjuk blik..
xsampai hati..
see, hati pmpn sgt lembut..
kdg2 ak pn xske berhati lembut ni..
tp take it as anugerah..

aku syg sume anak2 sedara aku..
mcm irsyad,ank sdara sulong..umo dh 14..
ak jge dr kecik..
skrg dh tnggi lmpai..lg tnggi dr aku..
dlu baby skrg dh jd ank teruna..
dh mkin ganteng..
hihih..(nti blh pura2 jd bf sulah yer)

cite psl2 anak2 sdara laen entry plak..
ni nk cite psl aku dlu..

year of 2010,
by april ak tlh hbs industrial training for dip in culinary arts..
end of april,ade final exam..
then dh hbs dip..
dh tamat dip..
this nov akn grad..
which i'm not going because of my parents' health..

may till now..
ak duk umh..
ad plan nk kje..
but abah xbg..
mak plak kte,duk umh..kje kt umh ni byk..

jd mmg byk la tugas ak kt umh ni..
yg plg utama HAZIQ!!!
si cerdik pandai itu..

aku jd pengasuh haziq..
sbelum ramadhan kerap juga die kne admit..
ad la 3kali ak pg jge die dlm ward sbb umi die kne pg skolah jgk,cuti dh hbs!!!
byk pengalaman ak dpt..
will share bout tht later on..

aku juga semacam maid..
cook,do the dishes,laundry,housekeeper,security..
n a driver too..

aku juga jd 'nurse' kpd kedua2 org tua ku yg tercinta itu..
dsebabkn org laen xde kt umh oren ni..
tnggal aku, mak n abah je..
jd ape2 xkena, ak kena tgk2 kn la..

mak salu jgk xsht..
almost evrynite kne massage her feets..
aku juga ad penyakit bgtu..
my body is so weak,salu sgt sakit2 bdn..
tp ak diam je,ksian nk suh mak urut..

ini masa utk berbakti..
hidup utk memberi..
itu lebih manis..
aku sgt kasihankn mak..
sesi massaging tu,mak ak berbual2 dgn ak..
tp salunye ak jd pendengar aje..

sume mak cite..
buka hikayat..
aku byk mndengar..
it is better like that..
walaupn cite yg dh berulang kali dgr..
tp dia kn ibuku..
klu aku xdgr sape lg nk dengar..
aku masih lg pendengar yg setia..

abah pula lain ragamnye..
aku bertanggungjwb utk iron bju n sluar abah..
panggang ikan utk abah..
pastikan low fat milk utk abah ade..
n baru2 ni abah perlukan aku utk membuang duri pokok bunga dlm jarinye..
hehe..hati aku gembira bukan kepalang..
aku dpt peluang utk jd nurse abah..
as a reward, abah bg bunga rampai yg die dpt mse pg solat hajat..
ak sgt seronok..

aku sgt pentingkn sentimental value..
aku msih simpan lg duit RM1 (g versi lame) yg abah bg..
abah jgk ske reward aku dgn egg tarts Sweeden..
sbnrnye egg tarts kt situ ak xbp ske sbb die pnye sugar pastry agak tebal n keras..
ak lg ske yg bli kt psr2..
tp xsmpai hati nk ckp kt abah..
sbb abah salu beriya2 rewardkn egg tarts utk aku..
aku ttp mkn smpai hbs..

mmg la aku sedih sbb xsambung blaja or kje mcm org laen..
tp ble pkir2, i have to do this..
they r my parents..
ble lg nak berbakti pd dorg..
semenjak dua menjak ni, ak rse mcm mati tu dh dkt sgt je dgn aku..
aku takut..huhuh..
seriously aku takut..
dlm kubur sorg2..
kne azab..

jd mse2 yg berbaki ni la utk berkhidmat pd mereka n tambah amalan..
kne taat pd ALLAH S.W.T..
iyer, aku sedang 'berjuang'..
utk berubah..
ak pnh jd sgt 'jahat'..

allow me to change for good..
ketenangan semakin mndekati..

utk 'dia'..
iyer, cinta itu kurniaan Ilahi..
aku take it as a test from HIM..
iyer, aku sgt sygkn dia..
i nver felt that way to other guy..

ak xpnh lupa berdoa,
if dia bkn utkku, hapusknlah perasaan syg ini..
tp doaku blum dmakbulkn..
jd aku take this as ujian dr ALLAH S.W.T..

kpd jodoh ku plak..
aku xtau sape akn jd suami aku nti..
(if pnjang umo)..
pls accept me sincerely for who i am..
u can change me,tp kne ade caranya..
i might not love u,but i will try to love u with all my heart once u be a husband of mine..

cinta xsemestinya memiliki rite..
marriage is not only bout love..
it is more to responsibility..
utk sempurnakan separuh dr agama..
nikah itu ibadah..

masa depan,
lets pray for d best..
people all around me pls help n guide me going through this phase of life..
it is d hardest..
from to
i still listen to both..
tp skrg ak lebih tenang dgr nasheed..

utk kwn2,
aku still nur fadzilah yg dlu..
it is just my soul has change...

lets end this with,


insyaALLAH we will find our way =)